Citizens on Patrol (COP) is a volunteer program to bring citizens and the Houston Police Department together to improve neighborhoods and reduce crime in our communities. The Shepherd Forest Civic Club recognizes that crime can be the #1 concern of residents and our patrollers help make the neighborhood a safe place to live.
The Citizens on Patrol is open to any resident who wishes to volunteer. Patrollers are asked to patrol a minimum of 4 hours a month and the frequency is left up to the individual patrollers. Currently, the COP Coordinator is Paul Berry, who collects patrol hours and information from the group each month, records any criminal activity, recruits new patrollers, completes a few data forms for our HPD liaison each month, and patrols himself.
Become a Patroller
Several requirements must be met to become part of the program. Any interested resident must apply by filling out an application and have a cleared background check. The forms can be obtained at You will then scroll down to the blue area titled: DOWNLOADING A CITIZENS PATROL APPLICATION AND CRIMINAL HISTORY AUTHORIZATION FORM. Submit the completed forms via email to[email protected] or mail them to: P.O. Box 925282 Houston, TX 77252-9282
After submitting the completed application and background check, the applicant MUST attend an HPD training session at the North Division Police Center, 9455 West Montgomery, Houston TX 77088, which lasts about an hour. Officer Bland is our HPD Liaison for our area and gives the training sessions.
If you are interested in becoming a COP patroller for Shepherd Forest, please contact the Shepherd Forest Civic Club at 713-742-2470 to submit your name and information and someone will get in contact with you.